The Ministry of Planning and Budget came into being (initially as Ministry of Planning & Development and later as Ministry of Economic Planning & Development) on the basis of Kano State Gazette No.15 Vol.2 of 25 April 1968. This was subsequently revised as Kano State Gazette No.20 Vol.9 of 23 October 1974. The table below shows details of the relevant legislation and authorisation on the Ministry of Planning & Budget:
Title of Legislation (or Circular, Authorization Documents) with Date
Summary of Stipulated Functions
Regarding the Mandate/Powers of the MDA |
1. | Assignment of Responsibilities to Departments of Government: Kano State Gazette No.15 Vol.2 of 25 April 1968, and | 1. Preparation of Development Plans including its control, supervision and review;
2. Preparation of Annual Budget; 3. Preparation of Kano State Economic Reform Programme through Medium-Term Sectoral Strategy (MTSS) and Medium-Term Expenditure Framework (MTEF); 4. Coordinating the implementation of Kano State Development Plan, and the State’s Growth Agenda; 5. Assisting the Local Government Councils to develop sound plans at the grass root level; 6. Coordination of all development assistance from both bilateral and multilateral sources; and coordination of SDGs projects. 7. Coordinating the formulation and tracking the implementation of plans and budget 8. Assessment of socio economics benefit of Government investments 9. Coordinating Federal Govt. Special Intervention Project designed under five clear programs Ø Job Creation and Youth Employment (N- power) Ø National Cash Transfer Program (NCTP) Ø Nigerian Home Grown School Feeding Program(NHGSFP) Ø Government Enterprises and Empowerment Program (GEEP) Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics (STEM)
2. | Revised Kano State Gazette No.20 Vol.9 of 23 October 1974 (effectively became Ministry of Planning & Budget on 29 May 2003. |
The following were given as the outline functions of the Ministry
- Preparation of Development Plans including its control, supervision and review;
- Preparation of Annual Budget;
- Preparation of Kano State Economic Reform Programme through Medium-Term Sectoral Strategy (MTSS) and Medium-Term Expenditure Framework (MTEF);
- Coordinating the implementation of Kano State Development Plan, and the State’s Growth Agenda;
- Assisting the Local Government Councils to develop sound plans at the grass root level;
- Coordination of all development assistance from both bilateral and multilateral sources; and coordination of SDGs projects.
- Coordinating the formulation and tracking the implementation of plans and budget
- Assessment of socio-economics benefit of Government investments
- Coordinating Federal Govt. Special Intervention Project designed under five clear programs
- Job Creation and Youth Employment (N- power)
- National Cash Transfer Program (NCTP)
- Nigerian Home Grown School Feeding Program(NHGSFP)
- Government Enterprises and Empowerment Program (GEEP)
- Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics (STEM)
Strategic Objectives:
- To facilitate the articulation and formulation of timely, evidence based and inclusive development plans based on the priorities of the state;
- To facilitate the preparation of a timely, realistic and credible budget that is consistent with the policy plans;
- To coordinate global, regional and national initiatives for the attainment of SDGs Goals
- To develop the capacity and capability of the ministry for effective socio-economic and financial advisory services to the government.
- To develop the capacity of Planning, Research and Statistics Departments across MDAs to achieve overall development objectives of the state.
The Ministry operates with the following departments:
- Administration and General Services
- Planning
- Budget
- Development Support Coordination
- Research and Policy Coordination